Infiniaire begins today as a little dream. A pet project at present, but with a whole big vision of what its meant to be. As you join us in our journey, you will see us grow and diversify, making small and big changes along the way; always keeping our purpose and values in check.
We at Infiniaire see people as individuals with passion and purpose. We are kind, determined and considerate about the “Why?”; besides the “how” and “what” of life. We see life from a much larger perspective, than from the mundane aspects of it; and we ask you to join and help us in our journey; just as we would do it for you.
We strive everyday to align ourselves to the source of all energies while keeping our frequency tuned to the energy of love. Thus everything we do here, will reflect our love of doing and being of help; to those in need.
As Kosta Stoyanoff once said, ” Whether we accept it or not, each life is linked to all life. Your thoughts, words and actions create a ripple effect; much like a stone thrown into a pond. The quality of that ripple effect ….. is your legacy”. Each time a new person awakens to this universal truth, the whole of humanity rises a notch.
Here, at Infiniaire, we are in the process of building a model to help people awaken to this truth.